2024 FPBL starts June 24th
sign up now
All youth are required to have been fully registered to participate in any Foster Park Sports event or activities.
FPBL - Foster Park basketball league

NOSTRAND PARK at 4:30 pm
*Note: If we incur bad weather, we will move the opening day to Thursday, June 25th.*
We created a high-quality competitive environment for collaboration, by hosting a 6-week longs summer league with twenty four teams and 3 Division Champions at the end of it. Each team is required to have a Head Coach and Assistant Coach who then takes a quick mandatory league online training via our league partner NAYS. This training then gives the coach the necessary skill-building tools he needs to foster his team.
We also acknowledge the personal relationships between the player and the coach so we created a rule that each team must have a team captain whose sole job to help the coach communicate and get the team all on one page in accordance to league rules. Although Basketball is a team sport we have chosen to reward and recognize one league member as the League's Most Valuable Player award and another player in the league with the Student-Athlete award. In terms of quality, we not only focus on the processes but more importantly the total experiences from player registration, uniform designs, league presentation, and league culture.
A huge part of our mission is to raise the quality of the league each year with the end goal of creating the ultimate summer basketball experience.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Game 1: Junior 5pm- 5:45pm
Game 2: Senior 6:15pm- 7pm
Game 3: Senior 7:30pm- 8:15pm
Game 1: Junior 11pm- 11:45pm
Game 2: Senior 12pm- 12:45pm
Game 3: Senior 1pm- 1:45pm
How To Register
Player Registration
All registration is to be completed ONLINE via the respective division link below and should be completed prior to the start of Opening Day. (July 6th)
Each player must register prior to their first game.

Junior High School Division [JHS]
Ages 12-14
Start Date June 26th

High School Division
Ages 15-17
Start Date June 26th


How To Register
Coaches Team Registration
All registration is to be completed ONLINE via the coaches link below and should be completed prior to start of Opening Day. (July 5th)
Coaches Team Registration payment must be received either:
Option 1: In full on or prior to the season registration deadline date.
Option 2: If you cannot pay the full registration amount on or prior to the season registration deadline date, you may pay 50% of the full registration fee (including any accumulated league fees) on or prior to the deadline date and pay the remaining 50% prior to the start of your game during week 2 of the season.
A convenience fee of $5 will be charged for Payment Plan.
Teams will not be scheduled for the upcoming season until a payment is received.
If full registration is not received prior to the start of your game during week 2 of the season, your team will forfeit that game. After two forfeits, your team will be removed from the remaining schedule. NO portion of the initial payment will be refunded.
Official Rules of the Foster Park Basketball League
Section VI – Timing
1. All halves of regulation play will be 14-16 minutes.
2. All overtime periods of play will be 3 minutes.
3. Two minutes will be permitted between halves of all games.
4. 60 seconds will be permitted before any overtime period.
5. A team is permitted a total of 30 seconds to replace a disqualified player.
6. Teams are permitted a 10 minute warm-up period prior to the start of regulation.
Section III – Uniforms (Player Jerseys & Trunks)
1. Each player shall be numbered on the back and/or front of his/her jersey with a number of solid color contrasting with the color of the jersey.
2. All jerseys must be tucked into each respectives players trunks during the game.
3. Each player shall have matching trunks.
Section II – Substitutions
1. A substitute shall report to the scorer and position himself/herself to the side of the scorer’s table.
2. The substitute shall remain in the Substitution Box until he or she is beckoned onto the court by an official. ​
Section V – Fouls
1. Each player is allowed 5 fouls during a game. If a player reaches 5 fouls he/she is no longer eligible to resume play during game.
2. Players losing eligibility to resume play must remove themselves from the area of play in a timely manner. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of a technical foul.
Section I – Number of Players
1. Teams are allowed a maximum of 10 players during the time of registration.
A. Prior to the week 2, a team is allowed to acquire players through free agency or trades for a maximum of 10 players on active roster.
B. Teams may not acquire more than 10 players at any time.
2. Teams are allowed to play with only 4 players.
3. If a team has less than 4 players at the original start time of the game, the team will be given a 10 minute wait period. The clock will start at the original start time of the game and run until the end of quarter. The opposing team is granted 1 points for each minute a 5th player is not on the court and ready to play. If a 5th player arrives before the end of quarter, the game picks up at the point of run-off.
Section IV – Last Three Minutes
1. When the game clock shows 3:00, the half is considered to be in the three-minute period.
2. The clock will stop on all dead-balls during the three-minute period.
Section VIII – Conduct
1. An official may assess a technical foul, without prior warning, at any time. A technical foul(s) may be assessed to any player on the court or anyone seated on the bench for conduct which, in the opinion of an official, is detrimental to the game.
2. A maximum of two technical for unsportsmanlike acts may be assessed any player, coach or trainer. Any of these offenders may be ejected for committing only one unsportsmanlike act, and they must be ejected for committing two unsportsmanlike acts.
3. Any player or team personnel assessed 6 technical fouls during a season will result in suspension for the remainder of the season. Any player or team personnel suspended from 2 seasons will no longer be allowed to participate in any other league events.
4. Cursing or blaspheming an official shall not be considered the only cause for imposing technical fouls. Running tirades, continuous criticism or griping may be sufficient cause to assess a technical. Excessive misconduct shall result in ejection from the game.
5. A player, coach or trainer must be ejected for:
A. A punching foul
B. A fighting foul
C. Technical foul for an attempted punch or swing with no contact or a thrown elbow toward an opponent above shoulder level with no contact
D. Flagrant foul penalty
E. Participation in the game when not on team’s active roster list
6. A player ejected from play must remove himself/herself from the court of play in a timely manner. Failure to do so will result in his or her team forfeiting game.
Section VII – Timeouts
1. Each charged timeout shall span a period of 60 seconds.
2. Each team is entitled to four (4) charged timeouts during regulation play. Each team is limited to no more than two (2) timeouts per half.
3. In overtime periods, each team shall be allowed one (1) timeout.